Wednesday, January 10, 2007

left front: finished!

last night, despite every intension to put away all the Christmas decorations, pack for Arizona and do the dishes that have been piling up since Sunday night before picking up my knitting ... I started in on it right after a quick run and dinner and didn't look up until I had finished the left front. I told Wes on Sunday that I wanted to have both fronts done by last night, but once I had to pay attention to all the shaping it took a lot longer than expected. Partly because I kept comparing to the finished front piece to make sure everything is going to fit together correctly, and also because I kept getting up to search for stitch holders (couldn't find them, used a 16-inch circular to hold the live stitches) and switch CDs that I was uploading to iTunes (looove my new iPod with capacity for more music!). I did do the dishes before I went to bed, but will need to pack before date night tonight and Christmas will have to stay up until I return from Arizona. I could bring yarn and supplies to begin the right front with me, but I did find an airplane project and have asked Grandma to teach me how to crochet after dinner tomorrow, so I might have enough to keep me busy. It's only an hour flight and between visiting and running I won't have much down time while I'm there.

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